// // JP's GZDoom settings // // general renderer settings vid_vsync true // solid fps gl_texture_filter 6 // unfiltered (chunky) textures gl_lightmode 8 // software style lighting falloff //vid_hwgamma 1 // hardware gamma so stream sees same thing i do // disable SSAO and other stuff for weaker GPU (ie laptop) //gl_ssao 3 // SSAO looks kewl //gl_ssao_portals 2 //gl_fxaa 2 // smooooth edges //gl_multisample 4 // doom-specific visual settings gl_particles_style 0 // chunky particles gl_enhanced_nightvision false // "drugstore lighting" > "everything is green" r_drawfuzz 1 gl_fuzztype 8 // chunky style pixel fuzz, closest to DOS doom cl_rockettrails 2 // rocket trails are sprites // OPL2 (Adlib / Sound Blaster) style MIDI snd_mididevice -3 // don't use mouse in menus m_show_backbutton -1 m_use_mouse 0 vid_cursor - // tiny angle crosshair //crosshair 5 crosshairscale 0.2 // altHUD is far superior; classic status bar is just a minus key press away //hud_althud true //screenblocks 11 // show monster/item/secret totals on althud //hud_showmonsters true hud_showitems true hud_showsecrets true // scale HUD for the general range of resolutions i usually play at //hud_althudscale 4 //hud_aspectscale true //st_scale -1 //hud_scale -1 //con_scaletext 3 // larger messages // automap: textured, show full info, show all things as sprites when IDDT is on am_textured true am_showmaplabel 2 am_showtotaltime true //am_showitems true am_showthingsprites 3 // welcome to 1998 freelook true //smooth_mouse true lookspring false cl_run true // standard WASD bindings with a few debug expediencies bind w +forward bind a +moveleft bind s +back bind d +moveright bind shift +speed bind n "noclip2 ; notarget" bind f10 quit bind f12 screenshot bind / chase // modern FPS defaults for mousewheel dir feel backwards to me bind mwheelup weapnext bind mwheeldown weapprev // bind non-Doomy commands for mods that need em bind e +use bind x +crouch bind mouse2 +altattack // apostrophe to toggle fullscreen alias fs_on "vid_fullscreen true; rebind fs_off" alias fs_off "vid_fullscreen false; rebind fs_on" bind ' fs_on // toggle crosshair alias jp_crosshair_on "crosshair 5; rebind jp_crosshair_off" alias jp_crosshair_off "crosshair 0; rebind jp_crosshair_on" bind c jp_crosshair_on // toggle binding jump to spacebar alias jp_jumpbind_on "bind space +jump; echo jump bound; rebind jp_jumpbind_off" alias jp_jumpbind_off "unbind space; echo jump unbound; rebind jp_jumpbind_on" // doublebind = only run when button is double-pressed/clicked doublebind J jp_jumpbind_on // mr friendly debug //bind z "pukename discoverallquests"